vineri, 5 martie 2010

See you in Madrid

Dear Ms Inozza

We would like to invite you to participate in Campus Party Europe, an event brought to you by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, to be held in Madrid from 15th - 18th April 2010, during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union and organized by E3 Futura Association.

This event will bring together innovators of the Internet, young scientists and digital creators, all in all the European Internet protagonists, to participate in a special edition of the biggest on-line event for technology, creativity and digital culture in the world

Campus Party Europe, will become an avant gard showcase which will give visibility to initiatives and projects such as yours.  800 participants selected from the 27 member states of the European Union will turn the event into a unique experience and an incredible exhibition of digital innovation.

The activities, conferences, project exhibition, workshops and team challenges will be organized around three principal areas:

*     Innovation in Internet (Application development and Security)
*     Science (Robotics, Astronomy and Modding)
*     Digital Creativity (Video, Animation, Design, Photography and Blogs)

The invitation includes: the costs corresponding to travel to and from the event, accommodation (in the camping zone habilitated for the event) and maintenance.

We hope you find it interesting. Please confirm your participation to us as soon as possible so that we can continue with the registration process and the organization of your trip.

We hope to see you in Madrid!

Kind regards,

Enrique Nimo
Campus Party Europe Director

Multumesc inca o data  pentru recomandare, draga Andreea! :*

13 comentarii:

Photography Lady spunea...

Buna Ina!
Citesc blogul tau de cateva luni bune, insa in tacere, nu am postat nici un comentariu pana acum..
Eu locuiesc in Madrid si ma bucur sa aflu ca ai fost invitata la Campus Party. Aici, e foarte faimoasa aceasta party a internauticilor. Sper ca poti participa, mai ales ca ti se asigura tot confortul (asa sper)!
Cu bine!
Hasta pronto!


Photography Lady spunea...

Ti se transmite ca aceasta super conferinta este in Madrid. Chestia ciudata e ca pana acum, in toti anii s-a desfasurat in Valencia.
Probabil au facut schimbari recente.

Photography Lady spunea...

M-am asigurat! Este in Madrid, pentru ca este editia Campus Party in acest an Spania detine presedentia UE.
Insa Capus Party (aici intelegandu-se party national) se desfasoara in Valencia, ca in fiecare an.
Multa bafta!

Ina spunea...


Multumesc foarte mult pentru toate detaliile! Esti foarte draguta ca te-ai interesat pentru mine despre desfasurarea evenimentului. :)

Daca ai timp, poate ne vedem in timpul vizitei mele. Mi-ar placea. :)

Photography Lady spunea...

Cu placere, Ina! Multumesc pentru invitatie, mi-ar face placere sa o onorez, sper sa fiu in acea perioada in Madrid(lucrez in Scotia, programul meu nu e fix, insa daca voi fi te anunt din timp).

Cu bine,

Alina spunea...

Super fain! :) O sa iti placa Madridul, sunt sigura. Sa nu ratezi Prado ;)

Nu mergi si in Barcelona daca tot esti in Spania?

Unknown spunea...


Ina spunea...


Okidoki then. Daca esti in Madrid, it's a date. ;)


Sunt convinsa ca o sa gasesc locuri foarte faine de vazut in Madrid. Cat despre Barcelona, cu alta ocazie. Acum nu prea imi permite programul. :)



Srefan spunea...

Life Is Not Fair :((((

joju spunea...

Salud y Suerte!

¡Un Buen Viaje!

(Si ve los indígenas de los Andes cantando en la calle en Madrid, hacen una foto por favor.)

Ina spunea...


Sunt perfect de acord! :))


Daca ii vad o sa le fac o poza, n-am uitat de pasiunea ta pentru Raza. :)

ChriSmilla spunea...

exceptionala invitatie! mi-e dor de Madrid si abia astept sa citesc impresiile tale :)

enhorabuena (congrats):)


Ina spunea...

Mersi mult, Chris!