marți, 25 ianuarie 2011


"Angelique agreed to be my girlfriend. To
celebrate I took her to a candle-lit dinner, and
I had to keep pinching myself to make sure I
wasn't dreaming. We started seeing more of
each other. Before long, pinching stopped
being enough, and I started sticking pins in my 
face. These days even pins can't convince me
that she's really there. Every evening I prepare 
a romantic meal. As I gaze at her immaculately
arranged hair and faultlessly made-up face, I
carve chunks out of my flesh with a surgical 
saw. Somehow it still seems too perfect to be real."

Dan Rhodes, Anthropology and a Hundred Other Stories

5 comentarii:

uneori, sunt ioana. spunea...


Anca spunea...

Ce frumos, te rog mai citeste-ne :)

Irina :) spunea...

vreau si eu carticica asta... dar nu stiu unde o pot gasi... [nu prea ma inteleg cu comenzile online si alte asemenea minunatii ale secolului]

tu ma poti ajuta cumva?

Ina spunea...

Irina :),

Daca esti in Bucuresti, poti incerca la libraria Anthony Frost (Calea Victoriei nr. 45). Daca nu, o poti comanda de pe Books Express, asa cum a spus ca va face Tomata cu Scufita. Sau o poti gasi pe Amazon, la adresa din linkul pus de mine.

Mult succes! :)

Ina spunea...

Irina :)

Laura tocmai m-a anuntat ca a gasit cartea la Anthony Frost si ca au mai ramas 3 exemplare. ;)