Chasing Cars
I am a really big fan of Nietzsche, because I can see a great deal of him in myself. Not of the brilliant philosopher, because I'm not that brilliant (nor that philosophical), but of the scared, rebelled man, who hated people because he loved them too much. If you get to know him (by reading for example "Ecce Homo", which screams his need of the others), you cannot but feel bound to him. So this guy once said "I don't know if I deserve everything that happens to me, but everything that happens to me, I definitely deserve".
So here I am now. Tired and deserving everything that happens to me, although I'm not sure if everything that happens to me I definitely deserve. I lost a nail tonight. It just fell off, like a leaf of a autumn tree. Or like a snowflake, if you prefer. And now I have this small piece of me, painted in golden nail polish in the palm of my hand. And I feel guilty. Because I'm so busy that I cannot hear when my body screams. So I have these pieces of me falling off, as if they would be heading towards a better place.
And I try to play all my roles correctly, I try to wear the mask of the journalist-to be with professionalism, and the mask of the student with conscientiousness, and the mask of the adult with gravity, and then...I just get lost.
I want to go to the gym, once in a while. Not because I were a sports fanatic, but because it was fun. I used to meet this girl there, with whom I used to joke about our coach, or about the stupid "dog positions" which we were supposed to do. I miss all that.
I want to take a walk once in a while on a busy, crowded and polluted Bucharest street, but not before 8 o'clock in the morning, and not after 9 o'clock in the evening. I miss walking in the sunshine.
I miss the old me, the one which was obsessed with dieting, buying bags and sunglasses and who always got lost in the subway. I don't like this new me, whose nails are falling off, whose eyes are red because she works during night-time, who types really fast at her computer and who eats the same food days in a row, because she doesn't have time to buy real food.
I really want to go to the theater. The last show I saw was "Henry the Vth" and it moved me to tears. I want to exit a theater room hypnotized again. And I really want to go back to the times the girls and I had nothing to worry about, but the exams. They are all working hard now, as tired and as trapped as I am. Somehow they seam pleased. But I'm not. I'm not happy. This is not what I want.
I'm too busy with trying to please people all the time, too busy with not hurting their feelings, too busy with breaking myself in a thousand pieces.
There's an empty place on my body, where a nail stood just this morning. Now it's gone. I cannot stick it back, but I can stop other parts of me falling off.
All in all, I'm sorry if this post was too long for you, or sorry if it was in English, and you resent that. It's not a matter of being fashionable, it's just that words come easier to me this way. I hope you still have time to chase cars around your heads. It keeps us going.
I am a really big fan of Nietzsche, because I can see a great deal of him in myself. Not of the brilliant philosopher, because I'm not that brilliant (nor that philosophical), but of the scared, rebelled man, who hated people because he loved them too much. If you get to know him (by reading for example "Ecce Homo", which screams his need of the others), you cannot but feel bound to him. So this guy once said "I don't know if I deserve everything that happens to me, but everything that happens to me, I definitely deserve".
So here I am now. Tired and deserving everything that happens to me, although I'm not sure if everything that happens to me I definitely deserve. I lost a nail tonight. It just fell off, like a leaf of a autumn tree. Or like a snowflake, if you prefer. And now I have this small piece of me, painted in golden nail polish in the palm of my hand. And I feel guilty. Because I'm so busy that I cannot hear when my body screams. So I have these pieces of me falling off, as if they would be heading towards a better place.
And I try to play all my roles correctly, I try to wear the mask of the journalist-to be with professionalism, and the mask of the student with conscientiousness, and the mask of the adult with gravity, and then...I just get lost.
I want to go to the gym, once in a while. Not because I were a sports fanatic, but because it was fun. I used to meet this girl there, with whom I used to joke about our coach, or about the stupid "dog positions" which we were supposed to do. I miss all that.
I want to take a walk once in a while on a busy, crowded and polluted Bucharest street, but not before 8 o'clock in the morning, and not after 9 o'clock in the evening. I miss walking in the sunshine.
I miss the old me, the one which was obsessed with dieting, buying bags and sunglasses and who always got lost in the subway. I don't like this new me, whose nails are falling off, whose eyes are red because she works during night-time, who types really fast at her computer and who eats the same food days in a row, because she doesn't have time to buy real food.
I really want to go to the theater. The last show I saw was "Henry the Vth" and it moved me to tears. I want to exit a theater room hypnotized again. And I really want to go back to the times the girls and I had nothing to worry about, but the exams. They are all working hard now, as tired and as trapped as I am. Somehow they seam pleased. But I'm not. I'm not happy. This is not what I want.
I'm too busy with trying to please people all the time, too busy with not hurting their feelings, too busy with breaking myself in a thousand pieces.
There's an empty place on my body, where a nail stood just this morning. Now it's gone. I cannot stick it back, but I can stop other parts of me falling off.
All in all, I'm sorry if this post was too long for you, or sorry if it was in English, and you resent that. It's not a matter of being fashionable, it's just that words come easier to me this way. I hope you still have time to chase cars around your heads. It keeps us going.
10 comentarii:
inozza >:D<
[adica te inteleg asa de bine... la mine au trecut 4 ani de cand VREAU. In 4 ani am fost poate de 2-3 ori la teatru, de ceva mai multe ori la Orange movies si de vreo doua ori am ajuns sa mai gasesc deschise anticariatele din pasaj de la Universitate. Si da, am profunde si inexplicabile sentimente de vinovatie cand ma aflu intamplator pe strada si inca e ziua! :D]
I've beeen there ... Si cel mai crunt lucru care mi s-a intamplat a fost sa ma gasesc la scoala, la cursul unei doamne profesoare, notand disperata tot ce zicea (doamne fereste sa ratez vreo idee, ca nu se stia cand mai calc pe acolo) si ... sa ma simt VINOVATA ca nu sunt la munca!!! (minteam prin sms ca sunt prinsa in trafic si ajung in minimum o ora)
Apoi mi-am dat seama cat de grava era situatia in care ajunsesem (eram chiar anul II, ca tine) si am spus stop! Am vorbit cu seful meu si i-am explicat, nu m-a inteles si am renuntat la job. Si acum ma intreb "ce-ar fi fost daca...", dar lucrez altundeva si-am luat-o de la capat. E mai bine acum, apuc sa imi cumpar mancare seara cand vin acasa si, surprinzator, ma ocup de scoala cel mai mult. Cu asta vom ramane peste cativa ani...
Sfatul meu, deci, chit ca nu mi l-ai cerut si ca nici nu ne cunoastem direct, este sa nu te simti niciodata vinovata cand te ocupi de ceea ce trebuie si e normal (like scoala), in loc sa faci ceea ce iti doresti, dar poate ar trebui sa ramana, inca, pe planul al doilea (munca).
PS: Daca o unghie creste la loc, anii de facultate se pierd definitiv daca nu ii traiesti.
ina...cum au spus si fetele de mai sus, nu pot decat sa le dau dreptate. Stii ca atunci cand m-am angajat eram la culmea fericirii, mi se parea ca am de toate: stilisti care sa ma tunda, bumping into designers all day, prezentari de moda, interviuri...parca era un miraj. Si da, am momente in care parca mi-e dor...dar nu m-as intoarce. Pt ca oricat de frumos era la inceput, pe atat de epuizant a devenit apoi cand nu stiam cum sa mai fac cu prezentele de care aveam nevoie pt a intra in examene, pt ca ramasesem in urma cu n'shpe proiecte, pentru ca ajunsesem sa visez si noaptea proiecte pentru dureau ochii de la stat 8 ore cu ochii in etc.
Intr-o zi, cand am mers la facultate si mi-am auzit colegii discutand super aprins despre niste chestii chiar f interesante predate la un curs(despre care eu nu aveam habar) si eu primeam mesaje de genul "trebuie sa vii la birou. Aia din presa nu au primit mailurile"(cu toate ca stiam sigur ca le primisera, imi si raspunsesera la ele), am simtit ca trebuie sa ma opresc.
Gosh, sper ca nu am scris prea mult. Dar, the point is...fa ce faci, as long as it's fun! Ai toata viata inainte sa lucrezi!! Asta tot imi spune tinand cont ca ea lucreaza de 20 de ani si...ti se poate acri intr-o zi.,..tind sa o cred.
Facultatea e importanta in formarea noastra. Nu vreau sa sune comunist ce spun. Dar e chiar misto, mai ales ca la fjsc chiar ai ocazia sa discuti, dezbati, sa cunosti puncte de vedere.
E bine sa lucrezi, pt experienta, dar daca devine chinuitor, mai bine quit it. Timpul de acum nu se mai intoarce. So, take care, inoi!!
Bre inuzzo, ce-o o pusasi tu de o cazanie niceana pre limba lu seicspir...
Pai se poa' asa panseuri stravezii la asa coconita cu glagorie...
Daca mai augmentam textul cu nitica "lumea teatru" si "trecerea inexorabila a timpului" ne dam deja vu-uri din liceu de pe la orele de romana cand ne explica cate un cadru didactic ce era-n bibilica lu' Eminescu.
Desi... Poate aveau dreptate oamenii. Alte masti aceleasi fete. Triste.
Dupa bila mea, singurul lucru care ne apartine pe lumea asta e timpul. Si totata viata ne-o petrecem cautand sa ne dam noua si altora explicatii cat mai plauzibile pentru pierderea vremii.
O patanie.
Un bogatan oarecare se prabuseste cu avionul pe o insula tropicala. Singurul supravietuitor. Merge pe acolo si vede un aborigen tolanit sub un copac. Era 2.30 PM, ora locala.
Scandalizat gagiu il intreaba:
- ce faci vere, stai si-o freci la soare la ora asta?
- da.
Asta si mai scandalizat:
- da chiar asa putoare sa zaci aici toata ziua?!
Aborigenu deschide asa un ochi si-l intreaba:
- da tu ce faci...
- Pai io fac bani, om de afaceri, lucrez de la 6 la 10.
- Pai, il intreaba aborigenu, si dupa ce faci banii astia ce vrei sa faci?
- Vreau sa-mi cumpar o insula tropicala.
- Si? Dup-aia?
- Sa gasesc un copac si sa stau toata ziua cu burta la soare.
Deci 1-0 pentru aborigen.
E clasica povestea da-i cu talc inuzzo.
Si daca tot esti fan Nice sa-ti zic si io una de la conu. Zice-asa... "nu e treaba noastra sa stim scopul existentei omenirii. e treaba fiecarui om in parte sa se intrebe ce cauta pe lumea asta"
Sa cresti mare
Hai sa invatam sa prioritize. Zic ca e un inceput bun! Poate iesim intr-o zi la un teatru bun, ce zici? :)
denisa, andru si adinutz,
Vorba celor de la Bergenbier...
PS: am descoperit ca sub unghia care mi-a cazut imi crestea alta unghie!! imi pare ca asta-i un semn...
conu leonida,
si ne iarta, nou, vulgului, expresia opinatiunilor noastre intr-o limba nemioritica, si intr-o insiruire de panseuri prafuite. io's una dintre fiintele alea neprofunde care la durere le zice cum apuca. vina mea e ca nu-s prima care se tanguieste de culpabilitatea indusa de ritmul de viata modern, cum ii zicea Grotowski.
Blogul aista mai e, once in a while, un teatru al cruzimii, in sensul pe care il dadea Artaud cuvantului: brut, concret, eveniment primar trait in fata spectatorului, deci a voastra. O sa ma repet, da' poate nu sunt ce par a fi...
Va prezint omagiile mele!
Pai ma inuzza, ai drepate, nu esti singura care se plange de timpul modern. Tu si TOATA lumea se plange de asta. Am impresia cateodata ca asist la un group therapy universal.
Cu toate astea nimeni nu pare faca nicmi in sensul asta. Ori asta pentru mine e o desertacine.
Ca l-ai bagat la cazan pe musiu Grotowsky. Zicea o treaba misto. Cum ca omu ar trebui sa fie ca un copac. Pe care nu il ingrijoreaza nici destinul nici daca pamantul e fertil sau infertil. Numai faptul de a ne fi nascut ne obliga sa raspundem la provocarile vietii in acelasi mod in care o face natura, care nu se grabeste dar nici nu ezita niciodata.
Ori omu de azi e orice da numa copac nu.
Ca sa nu par ceea ce nu sunt. Condescendent. Si eu ma plang de acelasi lucru dar dupa cum se vede, mai musc si-o lingura de lemn.
vrei sa mergem la teatru? eu merg saptamanal... cel putin! :)
da un mail si stabilim. hug!
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
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