Each new post makes me feel the same thrill I get before watching an episode of one of my favorite shows. I often get Grey’s or The Gilmore Girls, sometimes Modern Family, even Seinfeld in a very good day. I also get Gossip Girl from time to time, although I’m not a big fan.
But, sometimes, I get none of these. Instead, I get to read a brand new story, that hasn’t been shot so far on any set, other then her own. And even if I don’t have a suitable title so far, that one is my favorite. It’s just Ina.
Here’s to many seasons of that!
Alexandra ocupa un loc abuziv in blogroll-ul meu, avand in vedere ca n-a mai scris pe blog din mai...anul trecut. Cu toate astea, este una dintre cele mai bune prietene ale mele si cea care m-a convins sa nu-mi inchid blogul in vara, amenintandu-ma cu o "rascoala cu furci si topoare in fata blocului". So Inozza owes her a great deal. De mine nu mai spun.
2 comentarii:
Legat de inchiderea blogului, a se consemna ca am folosit totusi si niste argumente mai pasnice. Imi place sa cred ca acelea si-au facut efectul :-)
S-a consemnat, s-a consemnat. :P
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